- Acceptance rate
- Completion rate
- Runner rating
- Cancellation rate
- Delivery photo confirmation rate
- Non-delivery
You can track your recent metrics in the Ratings section of the Runner app. This section shows you your acceptance rate, completion rate, Runner rating, and total monthly Favors in one convenient location. This section is updated daily to help you keep track of your metrics.
Acceptance rate
As a Runner, you have the power to choose which Favors you want to run. The acceptance rate in the app is the percentage of Favors accepted out of the last 100 Favors offered (for example, if a Runner has been offered 100 Favors and accepted 90 of them, the acceptance rate would be 90%). If you have not been offered 100 Favors, this is based on the total Favors you've been offered. Declining the same offer multiple times will only count against your acceptance rate one time.
You cannot be deactivated based on your acceptance rate; however, a low acceptance rate may put you at risk of losing eligibility for certain perks and promos. If this happens, the Favor Trust & Safety team will communicate with you about how to reaccess these perks.
Completion rate
Your completion rate is defined as the number of Favors successfully completed out of the total number of Favors accepted. The completion rate in the app is the percentage of Favors completed out of the last 100 Favors accepted (for example, if a Runner has accepted 100 Favors and completed 90 of them, the completion rate would be 90%). If you have not accepted 100 Favors, this rate is based on the total Favors you've accepted.
While Runners are free to decline any Favors they like, by accepting an order for delivery, they are committing to a customer that they will complete the delivery. This means the customer receives the order either in-person or in their designated Leave-at-door delivery location. Orders that are not completed for any reason, whether they are reassigned or canceled, will count against a Runner’s completion rate.
Your completion rate is evaluated by the Favor Trust & Safety team on a regular basis, usually weekly. Per the Community Guidelines, if a Runner’s completion rate falls below the minimum rate required to remain on the Favor platform in their area, Favor may suspend the Runner’s access to the Runner app temporarily or permanently. Runners will receive a warning notification if their completion rate is approaching the minimum. In the event of an account suspension or deactivation, the Runner will be notified and given an opportunity to appeal.
Runner Rating
When you complete a Favor, the customer has the opportunity to rate their delivery experience from one to five stars. Your Runner rating is often a reflection of your customer service skills, including how well customers believe you communicate and pay attention to detail. Plus, our data shows that Runners who have a 4.8 rating or higher earn more!
The in-app Runner rating is the average rating you’ve received from customers from your most recent 100 reviewed orders. If you have not been reviewed on 100 Favors, this rate is based on the total Favors for which you've been reviewed.
In accordance with the Community Guidelines, if you receive a one-star rating from a customer, you will be notified by the Favor Trust & Safety team. If we see a trend of customers giving low ratings to a particular Runner, we may contact the Runner to pass along feedback. If the low ratings continue, the Trust & Safety team will alert you that your ratings are below the minimum for your location, which may vary based on average customer ratings, location, and other variables. If the Runner’s rating stays below that minimum following multiple notices, Favor may suspend the Runner’s access to the Favor app temporarily or permanently. In all such cases, the Runner will be notified of the situation and given an opportunity to respond and appeal.
If you would like to learn more about your Runner rating, please reach out to Runner Support. They can provide any customer feedback you’ve received as well as tips to help you increase your rating in the future.
Cancellation rate
A cancellation is defined as an order, or Favor, that a Runner accepts and then cancels through the Runner app or by contacting Support.
Each order that is canceled after being accepted will decrease a Runner’s completion rate. If a Runner’s completion rate falls below the minimum rate required to remain on the Favor platform, Favor may suspend the Runner’s access to the Runner App temporarily or permanently. In all cases, the Runner will be notified and given an opportunity to appeal.
We understand there are circumstances out of the Runner’s control that may lead to a cancellation. When a Runner cancels an order, it is important to provide information to help the Favor Trust & Safety team determine if the cancellation was accurately reported. False reports that result in the cancellation of a customer’s order may result in the deactivation of your Runner account.
Delivery photo confirmation rate
To prevent fraud or platform abuse, all deliveries should have proof of delivery in the form of a photo as indicated in the app.
In any given time period, your delivery photo confirmation rate is defined as the number of Favors with a delivery confirmation photo out of the total number of Favors delivered. If a Runner’s delivery photo completion rate falls below the minimum rate required to remain on the Favor platform in their market, Favor may suspend the Runner’s access to the Runner app temporarily or permanently.
If this happens, the Favor Trust & Safety team will communicate with you about what steps you can take.
A non-delivery happens when a Runner accepts a customer’s Favor request and then fails to complete/deliver the Favor. Delivery is only complete once the items to be delivered have been given to the customer. If said customer is not available or has requested a Leave-at-door delivery, the delivery is only complete if you have made a reasonable attempt to contact the customer or have left the items in the designated location as indicated in the Runner app.
Your non-delivery rate is based on the number of Favors reported as not delivered out of the total number of Favors you accept. If a Runner’s non-delivery rate exceeds their area’s maximum threshold, Favor may suspend the Runner’s access to the Runner app temporarily or permanently. In all such cases, the Runner will be notified of the situation and given an opportunity to respond and appeal.
Additionally, if an order has been reported as not delivered by a customer and such order is refunded, canceled, or otherwise remains unpaid to Favor, then Favor reserves the right to withhold or seek recovery of any non-guaranteed earnings relating to such order.